CultureShape backs the people in your company who need to
deliver on culture.

The Culture Wheel
An organized, plannable system for delivering strong culture signals all year long.

The Culture Wheel is a visual framework for delivering high-impact culture programs in 12-month cycles.
It helps you optimize your culture spend by:
removing culture initiatives that have the weakest impact (and often the highest cost), and
replacing them with stronger programs that better engage and support your employees in their pursuit of the company mission.
So you can plan and deliver on culture in a systemized, programmatic way. Using a one-page visual culture plan (the Culture Wheel) that everyone understands.

Where does CultureShape fit?
We'll design your Culture Wheel, advise how to fill it with 12-months of strong culture programming, and support you with end-to-end execution of every initiative on the Wheel.

​You'll have a sound, defendable plan for your culture spend that's based on logic

You'll have a reliable system of delivery for culture programming that people get excited about

You'll have greater buy-in and funding support as stakeholders begin to see your plan is working
And you won't have to figure everything out on your own, or try to get things done with an under-resourced team, ever again.
Finally there's an expert partner that can keep pace with your vision for delivering on culture.
Let's work on this together. Book a meeting.

Explore an organized, plannable, predictable approach to culture programming all year long.

Follow Pete Savage, CultureShape CEO on LinkedIn for a steady stream of different insights on #companyculture.